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Wildlife Q&A with Nathan True of Charlotte NC based Solocal Wildlife Removal.

Updated: Jan 23, 2022

What are some of the most common wildlife issues that homeowners face in Mecklenburg County? The most common wildlife interactions and conflicts are lots and lots of Eastern Gray Squirrels, raccoons, opossums, bats (Brown bats and Mexican Free tailed). You can also add few snakes to the list, mainly the rat snake, brown snake, little racers and occasionally the Copperhead. We also get many calls regarding dead dear that have died often after being hit by a vehicle and staggering into a customers yard. With the exception of the for mentioned deer, these animals often enter attics and crawl spaces in search of warmth, comfort and shelter from the elements or threat from larger animals.

How do animals gain access to a home? Well obviously to get in there has to be a entry point or hole. In the crawl space, this could be a loose or missing crawl space vent, an improperly sealed HVAC penetration or a large crack at crawl space door frame or simply a crawl space door that has been left open. To obtain access to an attic, an animal such as a squirrel, could chew a hole in a soffit or enlarge a builders gap at a trim termination or gutter line. Raccoons actually have enough strength to rip and tear through roofing material and decking especially if it's a more vulnerable soft spot due to water. Then again it could be an animal simply take it advantage of a gable vent opening or uncovered roof vent.

What do you see when a animal has invaded someone's home? Damage from these animals can be extensive to soffits, roof overhangs, fascia boards, siding and crawlspace vents. Ones inside a crawl space or attic, squirrels and raccoons can chew on electrical wires, tear up insulation and of course contaminate the areas with urine and droppings. They will often nest or crawl across HVAC ducting causing tears and energy loss. They often leave behind ectoparasites such as fleas or bed bugs.

How do the seasons affect wildlife activity in your area? We do have increased calls during the fall and spring seasons as animals are looking for a cozy place for the winter and in the spring when babies or youth emerge. However, because we have a relatively moderate climate, most animals are active all year long. 

Any prevention tips for residents in Charlotte? You can keep branches and trees cut back from your home. You should regularly clean out your gutters. Keep grass trimmed short and remove underbrush, debris or other harborage areas that are close to the home. Eliminate or use caution with food sources such as leaving cat or dog food outside constantly or placing bird feeders too close to the home. You should also get in the habit of routinely walking the perimeter of your home, observing foundation crawl space vents, out of space debris like pieces of insulation on the roof or something undeniably conclusive such as bat guano on a windowsill.

When should homeowners call Solocal Wildlife Removal? A customer should give us a call if they hear unusual chewing, scratching or running/footsteps, thumping or humping or such noises anytime during the day or night. Also give us a call if you notice new odors especially urine or other bad odors. Of course if you see a squirrel, raccoon or opossum in your attic or coming and going from a crawl space or observe bats in the attic vents give us a call.


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